A room with some debris on the floor

How to File a Home Insurance Claim for Roof Damage

Whenever we are in our homes, we expect to feel safe and sheltered. Home is often the only place many people can completely relax, and it’s also where we eat and sleep. Friends or family live here with us and gather to spend time with us. So when something happens that results in severe damage to our home, it makes a lot of sense to feel stressed or confused about what comes next. Many people don’t know what steps to take next, including when it comes to beginning and paying for home repairs.

If you face roof damage or another form of destruction to your home, you may be able to receive compensation for related losses. Further, if you receive injuries due to these damages, you may be able to obtain additional compensation for them. But beginning this process can be confusing and overwhelming, as many legal processes and professionals start getting involved in your life. Many legal issues can impact your daily life, but you can learn how to move forward and reduce stress on your well-being and financial situation.

Where Do You Go to File a Claim for Roof Damage?

If your home has undergone severe damage, you may be able to collect some financial support from your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the damages, you may be able to receive a large portion of the property repair bills.

We hope that damage to your roof or home does not result in injuries for you or your family, but you also have options if this is an issue you face. If you are suffering injuries and want to reduce the stress surrounding your situation, we recommend you work with an injury lawyer. A lawyer can handle many stressful and confusing processes on your behalf, giving you increased freedom and flexibility to manage other aspects of your life.

What Information Should You Collect Before Filing Your Texas Roof Damage Claim?

Before filing a claim with your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, you may benefit from collecting some information. Filing a claim with evidence or information relating to your circumstances may ease your insurance policy’s ability to accurately estimate how much money they should give you for your circumstances.

We recommend taking pictures of the damages after the destruction occurs. It may also be helpful to send in both before and after photos of your home, as this can help your policy provider accurately determine the extent of the applicable damages. We also recommend you hold onto any receipts and documents related to repairing your home. These receipts can objectively show your insurance company how much money was needed to make necessary renovations and corrections.

What Should You Do if You Receive Injuries Due to Roof Damage in Texas?

Unfortunately, the damage is not always limited to the property or our belongings. If an incident resulting in damage to your home also leads to injuries to yourself or your housemates or family, you may be able to collect compensation. Depending on who or what entity is responsible for the damages, you can hold the liable parties accountable for your losses. For assistance in this area, we recommend considering the following next steps:

  • Seek medical attention
  • Collect and hold onto any relevant documents, including 
    • Medical bills
    • Property repair costs
    • Reduction in pay from work
    • Contact information
    • Witness statements
    • Video, photos, or other relevant evidence
    • Police or incident reports, if applicable
  • File your claims with insurance
  • Speak with and retain a lawyer

In cases resulting in injury, we strongly recommend you work with an injury lawyer who serves Texas clients. Your lawyer can help you in several ways, including holding your insurance company accountable for the compensation they owe you. If you need additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.

Severe Injuries After Roof Damage? Get Compensation With Assistance From Mott & Moffett Injury Lawyers

If you are facing severe injuries after roof damage or other destruction to your home, you do not need to handle this alone. You may be able to collect compensation from your home insurance policy, but you may also be able to receive payment for your injuries and related expenses. To learn more about your options, we encourage you to contact our lawyers at Mott & Moffett.

Reach out to us by calling (888) 596-6582 or completing our contact form. Our team looks forward to hearing from you and fighting for the compensation you need to focus on your recovery.
